Account management for admins

Get Flex usage information

Flex usage reporting shows your teams’ use of Flex tokens summarized by product and by user. This can help admins manage token usage and forecast for future purchases.


Data is protected by Autodesk privacy principles and is only used for the purposes for which it was collected. For more information, see the Autodesk privacy statement.

To view token usage

  1. Sign into Autodesk Account.

  2. Select Reporting > Token Usage.

  3. On the Token Usage screen, select a team from the dropdown menu.

Note: You can view real-time balances for both Flex tokens and shared cloud credits on the Balances page. Go to Reporting > Balances.

Understanding the token usage summary

The token usage summary tab shows the following information for each selected team:

Upper section

  • Tokens Used. The total number of tokens from active Flex subscriptions consumed by all users to access products and services.

    Note: Active Flex subscriptions are those purchased within the last 12 months.

  • Tokens Remaining. The number of unused tokens available to users in the team. Unused tokens from expired subscriptions are excluded, as are unused tokens from other teams.

  • Tokens Added/Removed. The number of tokens added or removed in the last seven days. These may result from new purchases, token moves, and/or team merge events.

    Note: This number displays only activity of the last seven days..

  • Tokens Used By Day. A line graph of the number of Flex tokens used each day for the last 365 days, from both active and expired Flex subscriptions.

Lower Section
Select a time range (see Time ranges below) to view:

  • Total tokens used. The number of Flex tokens used within the time range.

  • Products used. The number of unique products accessed using Flex within the time range.

  • Total users. The number of users who have accessed at least one product or service using Flex within the time range.

    Note: Usage details include both active and expired Flex subscriptions.

    Time ranges
    Measurements will vary depending on the selected time range:

    • Past 30 days. Rolling 30-day window.
    • Past three months. Most recent fully completed three months.
    • Past six months. Most recent fully completed six months.
    • Past nine months. Most recent fully completed nine months.
    • Past 12 months. Most recent fully completed 12 months.

Understanding token usage by product

The token usage by product tab shows the following information for each selected team and time range (see Time ranges above):

Upper Section

  • Total tokens. Total number of tokens used for all products and services accessed in the selected time range.

  • Products used. The number of unique products accessed via Flex in the selected time range.

Lower Section

  • Product name. The name of the product accessed using Flex.

  • Total users. The number of users in the team who accessed the product or service in the selected time range.

  • Total tokens used. The quantity of tokens used to access this product or service by all users in the selected time range.

  • Average tokens used each month. The average number of tokens used per month to access the product or service. Averages are calculated as the total number of tokens used divided by the number of months in the selected time range (even if the selected time range has not yet lapsed.)

    Click any row (View details) for information about each product or service in the report:

    • Token distribution. A distribution bar chart showing the number of users falling into token consumption bands. For example, the chart could show that seven users consumed 0-100 tokens and three users consumed 101-500 tokens. This helps classify users into groups based on their average consumption.

    • Users by version. The count of users who accessed product versions in the selected time range.

    • User name. Users who have accessed the selected product with the total number of tokens each user used, and the average tokens used per month by the user. Clicking the row (View details) shows information specific to the selected user (the same details available from the By user tab).

Understanding token usage by user

The token usage by user tab shows the following information for each selected team and time range (see Time ranges above):

Upper Section

  • Total users. Total number of users in the team who have accessed a product or service using Flex during the selected timeframe.

  • Total tokens. Total number of Flex tokens used by all users in the team for the selected timeframe.

  • Products used. The number of unique products accessed via Flex over the selected timeframe.

Lower Section

  • Name. The name of the user who accessed at least one product or service via Flex.

  • Products used. The name of the products or services that this user accessed via Flex.

  • Total tokens used. The total number of tokens used by this user over the selected timeframe to access Flex products and services.

    Click any name for additional information about the selected user:

    • Tokens used.  Total number of Flex tokens used for all products in the selected time range.

    • Days used. Total number of days that this user accessed a Flex product or service out of the total number of days in the selected time range.

    • Products used. The number of unique products accessed with Flex in the selected time range.

    Note: For each product used by the selected user, you can roll over the chart to view the number of days used each week. You can also view a bar chart showing count by product version.

To display or hash usernames and email addresses

As an admin, you can control whether usernames are included in reporting or hashed, both in Autodesk Account and in the usage export file.

  1. Select the Settings gear icon.

  2. Under Personal Data, check the box to include usernames in token and seat usage reporting. Uncheck the box to hash usernames.

To export token usage, user, and subscription data

You can download a spreadsheet that lists available seat and token data.

  1. Sign into Autodesk Account.

  2. Select Reporting > Token Usage.

  3. Click Export to view the settings.

  4. Select a file format and a team.

  5. Select one or more of these report types:

    • Subscriptions
    • Users
    • Usage (select a date range)
  6. Click Export.

To learn more about exported data, see Usage reporting export data fields.

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